Women's Football

Well, you talk about staying in shape and getting exercise. How about team sports? There is plenty of motivation there. The difference is--coaches-- they yell when you do great and they yell when you screw up,but there is plenty of help.

I photographed the game between the Baltimore Nighthawks and the DC Divas. These ladies really play full-contact football. This pre-season game was a great opening game to forecast what to expect this year.

Safety Check

Friday I went to Joe's Bike Shop in Mt. Washington to get my bike fixed. The weather was great and I was really inspired to take a spin.

I am so greatful for professionals in any field that go beyond the call of duty. Johnny at Joe'sBike Shop took the patient in and began a once-over. I found that me bike was in bad shape besides the pedal I was there for.

My initial visit was to get a new pedal and go on my way. Thanks to Johnny I can ride knowing my brakes are safe and my handle bar is tightened.

So, if you plan to take your bike out, get it checked out first and then hit the road.